Abortion, It’s A Woman’s Rights Issue

Today, back in 1980, China enacted its One Child Policy. This is one of factors which have formed this tragic reality…

When judgement comes, we often see a third party like God as the source of it. We really don’t give ourselves enough credit. For the poor lady in the last part of this trailer, societal inheritances, man made ideas, played a heavy and burdensome part in what she did to her daughters. This is why the gospel is indeed the good news. Share it.

7-3-2017 Update: India abortion: Police find 19 female foetuses.

6 Responses to “ Abortion, It’s A Woman’s Rights Issue ”

  1. Watching this video, it made me so sad to hear from the lady at the end about how she had killed the baby girls and buried them. You’re right, with your final comment, the gospel needs to be shared!! we live in a broken, confused world! Pray for China and India

    • And this is just on one of the numerous problems infesting our world. The miracle of the gospel is how it is the definitive single solution for them all. Thanks for sharing it!

  2. […] Abortion isn’t just a woman’s health issue since it is both male and female babies who are aborted. That said, it is a woman’s rights issue when you consider the fact that the United Nations estimates that 200 million girls are missing in the world today. Why? Gendercide – the systematic and methodical elimination of girls. In ideology and method, abortion is a prime driver for this. […]

  3. […] with a child to a lack of insight into what abortion providers really think to ignorance of the real women’s rights issue behind it to swallowing outright lies in shallow slogans without further thought. Living life to the full […]

  4. […] It’s been described as a woman’s right. It’s also known as the greatest act of male chauvinism. So which is true? Like lies so […]

  5. […] It’s often promoted as a woman’s right but in reality, it takes rights away from them. A woman’s right to keep her child is eroded by a cultural expectation that she can (and sometimes is expected) to abort. A women’s right to be cared for by unduly burdening women as the “abortion solution” enables a segment of the male population to absolve themselves of their responsibilities. A women’s right to proper care rather than being sold the lie that they are being cared for. The right to life for baby girls all over the world faced with gender selective abortions. […]

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