Another Transformed Life

How does a PLO sniper who worked under Yasser Arafat killing Jews come to establish an organisation whose mission is to reconcile Arabs and Jews? In a word: Love.

Tass Saada is a former Muslim and the founder of Hope for Ishmael, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to reconcile Arabs and Jews. Born in 1951 in the Gaza Strip, Saada grew up in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. He worked under Yasser Arafat as a Fatah fighter and sniper. Years after immigrating to America, he became a Christian. Tass’ life was transformed from bitterness and hatred, to love and respect. This transformation took place upon hearing the story of a loving God who redeemed people through His son Jesus Christ. Tass has a heart to reach out to the Jewish people he once sought to kill. In his book Once an Arafat Man, he describes how God changed his heart.


How the many lives from around the world were “Ghost Written” to orchestrate the transformation of Tass is nothing short of awesome. Listen and be stunned:

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