Ghost Writer

Story structure and Ghost Writing are two interesting literary concepts. Let’s see how they apply to one of the most important stories you’ll ever know, your life.

The Story of a Story

Made of a Beginning, Middle and End, stories are classically thought of in 3 Acts. The Beginning introduces the setting, the place where the drama unfolds. It also introduces the characters as well as the situations and conflicts they find themselves in.

The Middle elaborates on the obstacles and conflicts the main character grapples with.

The End has the conflict coming to a climax, ending with a resolution.

Ghost Writer

A Ghost Writer is someone who writes material which is officially credited to another person. Ghost writing covers the spectrum of creativity from books to stories, reports, music, lyrics, scripts etc.

The Ghost Writer’s level of involvement varies. Ultimately, he or she is hired for their talent to improve the finished product’s quality. Usually, their contribution isn’t acknowledged but sometimes it is.

Your Story and The Original Ghost Writer

There is nothing new under the sun. Let’s look at the original ghost writer and the ultimate story that’s being written from your perspective – your life.


Everyday, every moment comes with new beginnings and in your journey on planet earth, all beginnings contain opportunities and obstacles. That’s just life. Your thoughts, actions and inactions are writing the script of your life and are what continues to develop your character and those around you.

All seasons, all “middles” contain conflicts and struggles, the only variance is the degree to which it dominates your script. But know this, all struggles and stories come to an end. There is an ultimate resolution coming. Your choices will determine how it will play out. After all, it is your name on the cover of your book. However, you can invite a Ghost Writer.

Whatever your season, the Holy Ghost was there before and will be there after the earthly chapter of your story. He is the supreme authour of all and can ghost write in any and all genres. It’s up to you to recognise that and decide how much you will let Him be involved in Ghost Writing the varied chapters that make up the story of your life. It is also your decision how much credit you give Him for your life’s successes. He will not force or intrude there either.

He who brooded over the waters to bring forth the splendour of creation, who guided the hands of men to physically record His eternal word and who raised to life salvation’s final word; let the greatest Ghost Writer of all write the script for your priceless life. You and God deserve nothing less.

Image©Kevin Tam

3 Responses to “ Ghost Writer ”

  1. […] previous article wrote of letting God be the Ghost Writer of the story of your life. All epic stories contain chapters of struggle and so will the story of […]

  2. […] the many lives from around the world were “Ghost Written” to orchestrate the transformation of Tass is nothing short of awesome. Listen and be […]

  3. […] Smart boy. May we like him have perception enough to override our “natural instincts” by having a view of the bigger picture of what’s going on. Thankfully, God hasn’t left us to the mercy of our impulses but has given us His Word and His Spirit to guide our path. […]

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