Losing Marriage, Losing Freedom – An Example

“We have to be true to the legislation we’ve passed. The legislation very clearly says that a loving relationship between two people of the same sex is of equal value, so in everything that we then do, as a society, we need to reinforce that, not deny it.”

So says Norman Lamb, a Lib Dem leadership hopeful in the UK where marriage has been redefined.

How far should this be reinforced? When asked if there should be homosexual characters in Peppa Pig, he said…

“If you impose arbitrary limits, you’re saying that actually at heart, it’s not equitable.”
“It should absolutely not be out of bounds, which it appears to be at the moment.”
“It is inconsistent with the philosophy that has led to the legislation. That’s the principle point. So, we have to be clear and consistent.”

So there you go, an example of Losing Marriage, Losing Freedom.
Even the freedom to just be a kid.

So, what are we all going to do about that?


My thanks to a reader for alerting me to this.

2 Responses to “ Losing Marriage, Losing Freedom – An Example ”

  1. Roisin Welsh

    Reading this has made my really sad for our next generation. When I was younger, I felt the moral absolutes were clearer in the society and people seemed to understand that a family consisted of a Mum, Dad and kids. By legislating this new law whereby there is redefinition of marriage and a family unit, society is saying anything is permissible and there is no inherit moral law/code or in fact a law giver (apart from our society). It’s a concern to fast forward 20 years from now to see the effects of these changes in our law system on this next generation.

    • May your sadness spur you onto greater action on this. It’s true that society as a whole is losing a grip on the idea of moral absolutes but the sliver lining in this is that as the dark consequences of this deepen, the light of truth will become more evident.
      All this isn’t inevitable but that’s the lie you’ll be told to take you out of the game – don’t let them. I hope you and any others you know who want to make a difference in this can make it to the presentation I’ll be doing on this next week!

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