Being Rich

Amongst the many resolutions the New Year brings, there’s often one along the lines of money. So let’s talk money. Lots of it.
Warren Buffet is estimated to be worth $63.3 Billion (in US dollars no less).

Let’s put that in perspective. He’s worth more than Croatia’s GDP¹. Every year, 128 countries produce goods and services worth less than what he has.
If everyone in Australia had $USD2737 or if everyone on the planet $USD9.04, that would be equal to what he has.
You get the picture. Rich. Very rich.
Buffet is an investor and clearly he is more than good at what he does. Here are some other facts however which may help account for his wealth….
  • In 1957, he bought a 5 bedroom home for $31,500. He lives in that same home to this day.
  • He drives “normal cars”.
When asked why this is the case given he can buy anything he wants, he said….
  • “If I thought a different house would make me happier, I’d buy it. If I thought a different car would make me happier, I’d buy it. But I don’t buy anything just because of other people.”
  • “I would not be happy having 3 big yachts or 20 big homes or something like that. Somebody else might be. But to me, possessions like that would be a burden. I have everything in life I want. You know, basically. I get to do what I love, I get to work with people I love. I get the satisfaction, my life’s easy. I don’t want to change those things. Just ‘cos I’ve got the money to do it, does not mean it’s smart to do it.”
While I may not agree with everything Buffet believes, I agree with the above because it’s biblical (hopefully he has a great family life too).
  • “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”
    Exodus 20:17
  • “Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.”
    1 Timothy 6:6-8
  • “In all labour there is profit,
    But idle chatter leads only to poverty.”
    Proverbs 14:23-25
  • “There are two ways of being rich – have a lot, or want very little.”
    Billy Graham (an extra biblical but nonetheless Godly source)

In the end, one priority will sort all this out and it’s nicely summarised in an Old Hebrew Saying. As 2015 rolls in, that’s worth remembering.

¹the market value of all final goods and services from a nation in a given year
Image from Internet

2 Responses to “ Being Rich ”

  1. Thank you for sharing this Kevin, wow, that’s really awesome that he is keeping grounded despite the deceitfulness of wealth that causes you to lean to pride and materialism. I’ve heard that he does give a lot of his money to charities. I hope that he will encounter a relationship with Jesus so that he can use his money for the Kingdom one day.

    • Yes, it is good that he hasn’t obviously fallen for the pride/materilism that comes so easily with wealth and gives to charities. There are some issues with the charities he backs though, hence my qualifier that I don’t agree with everything he believes in. That’s a lesson about being wise – just because something is classed as a charity, doesn’t mean all of what it does is good (I’m working on an article along those lines). He is onto some good ideas otherwise. Yes, may he encounter Jesus – that’s the greatest wealth of all.

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