Fighting Words

“Some want to live within the sound
Of church or chapel bell;
I want to run a rescue shop,
Within a yard of hell.”

“Difficulties, dangers, disease, death, or divisions don’t deter any but Chocolate Soldiers from executing God’s Will. When someone says there is a lion in the way, the real Christian promptly replies, ‘That’s hardly enough inducement for me; I want a bear or two besides to make it worth my while to go.'”

“Let us not glide through this world and then slip quietly into heaven, without having blown the trumpet loud and long for our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Let us see to it that the devil will hold a thanksgiving service in hell, when he gets the news of our departure from the field of battle.”

C.T. Studd

One Response to “ Fighting Words ”

  1. Amen! “On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” These words of Jesus indicate the mission of the Church…He is the rock referred to (not Peter..sorry Catholic friends). His purpose is the grow God’s kingdom through the Church. The Church should be agressive in shining His light and exposing evil. Give the devil nowhere to hide! The Church needs to leave timidity behind and take back the territory that the devil has stolen…and break down the gates of hell, through prayer, to save people from it.

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