The Ultimate Blessings

“In all things I have shown you how, working like this, you must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
Acts 20:35

Marriage and parenting – done right, these are the earthly relationships in which we give of ourselves most intensely and profoundly.

So to steal, kill and destroy the masses, you’d seek to remove these gateways to blessings from the wider culture. This is why marriage is being warped  and children are being called a curse not the blessing that they really are. This is why they are more than worth upholding and advancing.

So for those who are married, give as you are made to and you will be deeply blessed (especially those who are parents). And for all, share this truth – it’s in the giving that you are blessed. And in sharing this truth, you will bless others.


Image©Kevin Tam

2 Responses to “ The Ultimate Blessings ”

  1. There is no greater blessing known to man than the blessing of being a parent. It’s the most uplifting, encouraging, liberating, fulfilling, rewarding and joyful experience I have known. There are literally thousands of opportunities to be rewarded by just being there with your child. I treasure every smile, every kiss, every cuddle, every time I hold a hand, every time I pray with her, every time I see a light go on in her head, every time she succeeds or reaches a milestone, every “I love you, my dad.” It’s also the most challenging blessing I have known. Even when it’s challenging, this is a blessing because God shows me more about myself than I might otherwise care to learn. I know that I’m only the earthly custodian of His daughters. I’ll have to give an account for my input one day. I could not do a good job of parenting without God’s word, His guiding hand of correction and discipline, His forgiveness for those times when I stuff it up, His grace to help me to do better.


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