
Timeless Truth

God is eternal, trustworthy and our anchor.
This timeless truth is restated again and again in word and song. So it comes as no surprise that classic hymns are reworked into newer songs. Well…it is 2016 so this one is a little older too, so you could call it a “classic” as well 🙂

Seems to me like something you’d batter the gates of hell with. Enjoy…

“There’s a rock that doesn’t move
It hasn’t moved, it will never move
Even though the waves come crashing down

There’s a tower on a hill
It’s always strong, it will never shake
It was standing there before the world began

There’s a wave that’s coming in
Washing over this town
It will make or break us, reinvent us
It’s time to lay me down

On Christ, the solid rock we will stand
All other ground is sinking sand
On Christ, the solid rock we will stand
We’ll climb on Your back, take us to higher ground Continue Reading →
