Beyond Cynical

Actions speak louder than words: “We’re concerned (maybe) but let’s just do it anyway and clean up the mess later (perhaps).”

Some lies have a short shelf life. After doing their deceptive work, they happily step into the background to let the truth be seen. The government has called for an inquiry into the consequences for individuals freedoms with the redefinition of marriage. This comes soon after the plebiscite result, well after Australia voted on the issue and it’s designed to report its findings after the politicians themselves vote on it in the coming days.

It’s hard not to be cynical. But our collective futures deserve more than that. It needs hope. It needs action.
Freedoms which politicians think they can grant you are freedoms they can take away.

Ultimately, our hope isn’t grounded in mere mortal leaders. It never has and it never will.
But as my brother’s keeper, ours is the responsibility to influence for the greater good.

Please read here to see what you can do. Please read, share, act and pray.
Here’s an example to inspire your contribution…

As part of the nearly 40% of your fellow Australians who have observed how the redefinition of marriage has been used overseas to undermine parental rights, educational outcomes, personal freedoms and democratic principles, we urge you to place Australia on a better path than what is proposed by the Smith Bill.

It is telling that the Prime Minister has called for an inquiry into the consequences for individual freedoms. More telling is that it was only announced well after Australians have voted and designed to only return its findings after you yourself have voted. This alone is grounds for profound and irreparable distrust for your political profession in addition to the concerning path it will lead our nation culturally and politically. Tolerance, diversity and the freedom to debate for the best are required for a good democracy – exactly the strengths which have served Australia well and exactly the strengths which this bill will undermine.

We thank you for your service and we urge you to leave a greater legacy.

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