Fathering Now

God’s ways are higher than our ways and sometimes, it’s in a small way. Like this: The Underestimated Value of Present Fathers.

Happy Father’s Day!

2 Responses to “ Fathering Now ”

  1. I love this. I’ve had this same experience a church a number of times and, in fact, I had it yesterday (Father’s day). It’s no coincidence that while I was driving to church yesterday morning that God spoke to me in just the same way. He reminded me that caring for and loving my children and teaching them about Him is the primiary ministry that He has so far given me. A minister is one who serves and fathering my children is how I serve and worship God. Then, when we were at church, my little one wandered over to me during worship. I picked her up in one arm and held one hand up to God. Then she put her two arms firmly around my neck and held on. So, I squeezed her tightly in my arms and worshipped God silently for the next few moments. My mind was focused on thanking God for the blessing, the joy of receiving the love of my beautiful daughter – and showing it back to her…but ultimately being just so grateful that He is responsible for making it all happen. After all, my daughter really is His daughter and I got to share an amazing moment with both of them.

    • Beautiful Barry. And that’s why God gives us children – there’s simply no other way of learning what we do from these young treasures.

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