Homosexuals Human?

“Is a homosexual any less human than a heterosexual?”

I was asked this rather confronting question at a Question and Answer session after a talk I did recently. The talk was on IVF, Abortion and Euthanasia. All through it, I said that if humans do not matter, nor do these topics. But since they do, they matter deeply.
And there was the loose connection between the talk and the question. A question which was undoubtedly very important to the questioner – “Do homosexuals matter?” 

The short and strong answer is, “Yes of course!”

Firstly, the idea is as bizarre technically as the question itself is. There is no genetic evidence to support the notion that homosexuals are not human. There isn’t even any to show they are significantly different either. And while the question was bizarre, the basis of it was not – “Do I matter? Will you respect and fight for me just like you said you would for those under the threat of abortion or euthanasia?”

Secondly, while there is no scientific evidence that homosexuals aren’t human, such a thought is only possible if you have a Godless worldview.
If you view the world from a strictly materialistic, Godless one where humans are only biochemical machines, you could try to set up a genetic statistical criteria to show that homosexuals are not human. There is no data to support such a statement but only in the Godless worldview is it possible to even think of it.

However, in the Christian, Godly worldview, such a statement isn’t possible. We are all Imago Dei, Images Of God. Broken, sinful images but under it all, Images Of God nonetheless. So such a statement isn’t only logically impossible in the Christian worldview, it is frankly an insulting one.

Homophobia is only possible without God.


Image: “Vitruvian Man” by Leonardo da Vinci, circa 1490

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