The Supernatural In The Natural 7 – Potential

One of the most important things a parent does for a child is to help them reach their potential. The first step is simply showing them their potential and sometimes, that involves letting them struggle through something so they can see that they can master it.

There are moments where this is no fun.
Neither for the parent or the child. But it’s necessary.
In the case of a baby, the struggle can stem from something as fundamental as not even knowing that they have limbs that they can control. Their knowledge of their potential is that limited.

There’s a lesson here. As adults, we may have mastered the physical fundamentals back in our first years. As adults, we do have more potentials yet to master but let’s set our sights higher – what of our supernatural potential?

But as it is written:
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
1 Corinthians 2:9

Are there supernatural limbs, supernatural potentials we are yet to even know of, let alone develop? Like the Heavenly Father He is, sometimes God will take us through seasons which will push us to stretch our potential. Our Spiritual Potential.
Like it or not, it isn’t necessarily enjoyable but it is necessarily necessary.

As we launch into the new year, may we look forward to it in that light. A time to see God urging us to launch out into where our potentials lie. Places where we suddenly realise, we are much more than we imagined. Places at the edge of God’s cheering, at the start of God’s beckoning, inviting us from where we are into what He made is to be.


Other articles in this series.


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