Tragic Thinking, Tragic Living

Believing lies plunges you into some very deep and dark holes.

Shallow slogans are often the lure into them. For example, denying the humanity of the child in the womb will not only have you spewing out that very slogan but even attempting to apply it to your own children.

You’ll note that this lady is trying her best to avoid the logic of her worldview. A worldview at odds with the reality of biology.
You’ll also note that she’s a practitioner of Adolph Hitler’s advice to repeat a shallow slogan until everyone believes it in the way she deliberately and repeatedly avoids answering the question by sloganeering.

Further down this hole will have you believing that abortion is the most important thing you can do with your life and despite having “much respect” for the miracle of life, you can callously take the heart out of a child you’ve just aborted, look at it and think it is “cute”.

Tragic thinking leads to tragic living.
May we be part of the light pointing back to right thinking and bright living.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”
Psalm 51:10

Image from the Internet.

One Response to “ Tragic Thinking, Tragic Living ”

  1. […] is everywhere, especially in our hearts. From there, dark actions erupt nearer to home and further abroad. In the minds of some, the latter has been grinding away in the background […]

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