Overcoming Evil

Another episode of terrorist activity in a major “Western” city has sparked a new round of analysis*. Analysis of the ideology behind it and how to respond.

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
Romans 12:21

I previous wrote that these terrorists are correct in recognising that there’s something wrong but wrong in the solution they are reaching for. The right solution is recognising the evil in all of us, accepting that only God’s gift of salvation can destroy it and letting the good fruits of this overcome the world’s evil. This article is a great read along those lines.

Let us all be part of the solution, not the problem.

*Do take particular note of this article’s comments below as they act as counterpoints which balance the whole discussion.

Image from the Internet

2 Responses to “ Overcoming Evil ”

  1. […] previously discussed worldviews which lack these gifts. These views can manifest in outright acts of violence. The view that you have no right to freedom in your speech and conduct also manifests in more […]

  2. […] Related: Overcoming Evil. […]

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