The Gift Of A Father

With Father’s Day just past, I thought it timely to reprint an article I sent out in February 2014. It fits it perfectly with my last article on Raising Solutions. Enjoy…

An optional chapter in being a man is Fatherhood. Not every man is called to it but it is a solemn responsibility for those who choose to approach it as real men.
With Christmas not being too long ago, it is worth remembering this: Fathers, whilst presents are a material gift from us, let us always remember what God has called us to be. As godly fathers, we can and should be a greater, eternal gift to our families.

In line with this, here’s some incredible “black preachin’ ” I’d encourage you to listen to. Here are some highlights….

  • American men have become sissified. They have been lied to, been misled and in the name of other definitions of manhood, are leading a route to devastate our culture and in most particular, our community.
  • Men I am sorry but I must lay the burden of the demise of our community and our culture directly in the hands of the feminised male.
  • I am talking about a philosophical bent that is taking place, that is causing the leadership structure that God intended to deteriorate so violently, that women are being given roles to take that God never intended to them take but because they have to be taken by someone, they taking them only to find out that their circuits are overloading in the process.
  • A lot has been said in recent years about the liberation of women. But what really needs to be talked about is the liberation of men. You see, women only want to be liberated from bad male leadership. You see, what women have calculated is this: “If this is the best deal I can get following a man, I can create a better deal out there on my own. So liberate me!”
  • And so we’ve had the great role reversal where men have thrown in the towel, women have picked up the towel.
  • A feminised male doesn’t have the guts to lead. He has the ability physiologically to get a girl pregnant but doesn’t have the dignity and the guts to raise the baby, that’s a sissy.
  • My dog can do what most guys do. And that’s what a lot of guys are, they are dogs.
  • Now if it doesn’t apply to you, let it pass over you. If it doesn’t apply just skip it. If you are getting ticked off now, it’s probably because it applies.
  • We’re raising a generation of passive men. A generation of men who are going to raise boys in particular to be criminals, effeminate, to raise boys in particular who will beat their wives because that’s the only way they can get control because they don’t know how to win control through love, so they have to win control through violence.
  • “It is a fool who says. ‘I do not tell my children what to believe’, because if you don’t, someone else will. The drug addicts are commanding your children and your children are obeying. The lust mongers are commanding your daughters and your daughters are obeying. For God’s sake you command something!”

Men, I dare you to listen to the first 5 minutes of this and not be convicted.

It’s a challenge to us all but with God, it’s possible.


Image from Internet

Update 9-9-2014:

Any doubts with regards to the value of worldview and upbringing are addressed here, as well as the following topical article…


by Amy Joy Hess

“The bandit’s laws are positive; a young girl belongs first to him who carries her off, then the rest draw lots for her, and she is abandoned to their brutality until death relieves her sufferings.”

— Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo, Chapter 33.

On par with murder itself, the sexual assault of a child is one of the most horrendous crimes known to man. Yet, between 1997 and 2013, at least 1400 girls in the South Yorkshire of Rotherham were groomed, drawn into the company of packs of Pakistani men, and exploited without mercy. The reign of terror involved beatings and threats of death and torture of the girls’ family members, and local law enforcement did close to nothing. The investigation that exposed these atrocities revealed that local authorities dismissed multitudes of complaints from girls and their families because the perpetrators were Pakistani Muslims and authorities feared being tagged as racists.

Rape is not a new abomination. The Roman bandits of Alexander Dumas’ day were fully calloused about dragging a girl into the woods and taking turns abusing her until she died. In Judges 19, we read a horror of a story in which a man shoves his concubine out into the arms of “sons of Belial” who used her and abused her all night long, so that in the morning she is found dead on the doorstep. Humans are fully capable of every despicable act that destroys the lives of others in the empty pursuit of self-gratification. In Rotherham UK, though, the rapists got away with their crimes because time and again the blame was placed on the underage girls.

A catalog of crimes against these children was finally written up in a 153 page report by Professor Alexis Jay, the former chief inspector of social work in Scotland. Jay reports that law enforcement and social workers consistently failed to protect hundreds of girls from gang rape, drug and alcohol use, beating and threats on their lives.


Unlike the Roman Bandits, the men in Rotherham did not just grab girls off the streets and carry them up to their flats. Instead, the perpetrators spent time befriending these young ladies, some as young as 11 and 12-years-old. The same stories were repeated over and over. The men treated the girls kindly at first, all the while gathering information about them and their families. The men introduced the girls to drugs, and once their control was complete, they began the brutal sexual exploitation. The young ladies were assaulted by a wide number of men, even driven into other towns for liaisons.

Those who attempted to escape or report the abuse were intimidated in terrible ways. One girl was doused with gas and threatened to be set on fire. Others continued obeying their abusers for fear their mothers would be raped. All the windows of one girl’s house were broken out and her brother’s legs were broken. Another agreed to speak to police, but when she arrived at the station she received a text from her abuser saying he had her 11-year-old sister with him. “Your choice,” the text warned.

Because they’d spent time gaining the trust of their victims, the perpetrators knew everything about the girls and the means of control they could use.


One of the ongoing themes of Rotherham sexual exploitation was that authorities constantly blamed the girls. One 11-year-old child who was questioned was treated as though she had brought the abuse on herself by wearing a short nightgown. A 32-year-old man had raped her, and the officer shamed her by the questions he asked. She told The Guardian: “As I felt myself flooded with feelings of shame and guilt, the questions went on. Had I touched him? Where did I touch him? How did I touch him? For years afterwards, those questions echoed in my head, followed by a relentless, inner voice of my own that said: “You must be a dirty little whore.”

According to Jay’s report, the case of one 12-year-old was dismissed because her encounters with five different Pakistani men were considered “100 per cent consensual in every incident.” The girls found drunk or high were treated as juvenile delinquents, while the Pakistani men in their company weren’t charged.

Officials who tried to raise awareness to the problem were silenced. The BBC reports that one Home Office researcher collected large amounts of information on the perpetrators, their vehicles and grooming methods, and how the professionals had responded to complaints. When the researcher brought the matter before the Rotherham Council, she was criticized because the perpetrators were largely from the Pakistani community. She was sent to an ethnicity and diversity training course, and somebody got into her files and removed her collection of data.

The researcher said: “I was subjected to the most intense personal hostility – there were threats made from a range of sources. I’ve never seen back-covering like it and I still feel extremely angry about that.”

Where To Go From Here

The devaluation of women in Middle Eastern Muslim cultures makes girls particularly vulnerable to sexual abuse. Women can be regarded as little better than property, and men are free to beat and abuse them as they like. Even in Great Britain, forced marriage and female genital mutilation continue. When men from these Muslim lands move into cities in the West, they apparently don’t leave their negative views of women behind.

Yet, it’s not just the fault of the perpetrators. The authorities who blamed little girls for their own rapes, who “lost” evidence and dismissed cases despite significant evidence, these negligent guardians are just as culpable. In the name of political correctness, the city of Rotherham looked the other way.

Whatever communities we live in, we need to make sure we protect and warn our daughters (and sons). We cannot lock them in closets or suffocate them, but we can make them aware of the real dangers out there. We can help them understand how the grooming process works and how to avoid being sucked in by con artists. We can teach them how to love Jesus and live for Him with all hearts. We can explain how vital it is to listen to the Holy Spirit, who offers us life-saving warnings.

“Forgive our trespasses,” we pray, “As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” That’s not an idle prayer. There is evil out there, ready always to devour us and destroy our lives. We need to pray for our children and teach them to understand their best hope for safety is in obeying God and following Him closely every day. We have great power and authority in Christ; the gates of Hell cannot stand against us (Mat 16:18).

And we need to be ready to be there for those who have already been abused. The authorities of Rotherham dropped so many victims, leaving them to fix their own broken lives. They were just children; kids whose worlds had been ripped apart.

Sexual violence is not a new crime; its victims can be found all around us, and they need to be told they are beautiful treasures, loved by God. Jesus died to set them free. We need to tell them — and kindly, patiently, carefully help them pick up the pieces.

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4 Responses to “ The Gift Of A Father ”

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