Abort The Impaired

People are products if they are not made in the image of God. Products to be used and discarded according to your preferences.

You see this in the attitude of a couple who wanted their surrogate mother to abort their baby boy with Down’s Syndrome. Unfortunately, this isn’t an isolated incident since it’s logically consistent with the materialistic world view. What more evidence for this? Check out some recent tweets from one of the most prominent supporters of it, Richard Dawkins.

putitinthebinHis (un)wise counsel for parents of a child with Down’s syndrome is to “abort it and try again” since it would be “immoral” not to. Notice his attitude when he refers to the child as “it”.

Setting aside the fact his materialist world view has no basis to speak of good or evil, I wonder how he would feel if the criteria for abortion or euthanasia shifted to include people like him? It’s always easy to speak of abortion with regards to others and not of oneself. This thought is best summarised by a comment to an article reporting this here..

“Dawkins believes that people who are slightly more impaired than others should be aborted. Does this apply to people like him who are spiritually more impaired?”


Image©Kevin Tam

3 Responses to “ Abort The Impaired ”

  1. […] are two victims here. Firstly the child and secondly the mother, both being victims of deeply confused thinking over life. If there is a “lack of decent values among the country’s youth”, we […]

  2. […] them, it would be worth exploring what they think of child abandonment, calls to routinely kill off certain people groups or of particular accounts like a child being flushed down a toilet or indeed, being microwaved. If […]

  3. […] This is another reminder of the importance of not only thinking rightly but influencing with it. Knowledge without influence is dry and powerless. Let’s encourage others to see and share the benefits of a good family through our own. Especially those of you who have influence in academic circles – clearly it’s needed. […]

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